Monday, July 9, 2012

One of "Those" Seasons...

I feel as if I am in a time of loss and vulnerability. Why? There are some edges in my life God has been highlighting which are in need of transformation. Growing isn't always easy. Change is not always fun. However, it is the perfect time to draw closer to Jesus. I know He is the only one who can completely and wholly satisfy my needs. If I am in a rough season, I will look to Him; I will yield to Him because I know He will carry me through. And yes it is always easy to say that, but even harder to do. Let's be honest with each other... Life is hard. It can be tough. I've had plenty of those moments and I'm most definitely in a season like that this very minute! Can you think of rough seasons you've been in before? We all go through them. They're the valley low moments. God wants to use those for our testimonies to glorify him. I really believe He is going to lead me somewhere new through this whole "rough patch" of a season and it's kind of exciting to think about. What new opportunities will emerge or what is God trying to reveal to me? These seasons bring about trial, but they also bring about new life. God is doing something in you through this season, so be attentive to his voice!

So what do we do in these valley low moments while waiting for a breakthrough? For one, God is doing this to get you in a place where he can do something new. There's a reason and his reasons are always good. With the place you were in before and what God wants to do in your life now cannot be done there so it's time to move! Let his spirit lead you. Ask him where he wants to take you? What do you need to get rid of so he can work through you? What must you do? Listen and watch for what he shows you about your life. He's always speaking and loves to talk with you. Also, prayer is what will hold you through. Keep communication with God. Christ will strengthen you and give peace when you ask Him. Isaiah 41:13 says, "I am the Lord your God, who holds your right hand, and I tell you 'Don't be afraid. I will help you.'" This verse got me through many oppressive moments last school year. And finally, keep your eyes fixed on Him for the end of the tunnel. One of the best things about tough seasons is when they're over and then you see the reason for them. That's the point where I say, "God you're so smart... You knew all along what was to happen... Why did i worry?" I also tend to over react and worry excessively which only makes matters more difficult. Matthew 6 always come to mind when Jesus talks about how lovely the lilies are clothed in the field, but tomorrow are thrown into the fire. He takes care of flowers, so how much more will he take care of both you and me? His children whom he loves ever so dearly. He will carry us through. He always has intentions for each season in our lives and our best interest at heart. Do not doubt the Lord. In Jeremiah 29:11, he tells us he has GOOD, PROSPEROUS plans for our lives; plans to NOT hurt us! Our Father wants the best for his children. He wants the best for me and the best for you.

If you're in a tough season, what more can be done than give it over to God? He knows exactly where it's going and how it all will turn out. Simply let go, and let God be God. You are his clay he wants to shape and mold you into an even more glorious masterpiece (because you already are one)!

Jeremiah 18:4-6
He was using his hands to make a pot from clay, but something went wrong with it. So he used the clay to make another pot the way he wanted it to be. The the Lord spoke his word to me: "Family of Israel, can't I do the same with you?" Says the Lord. You are in my hands like the clay in the potter's hands.

Happy Monday!
❤ Ariel Christine

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