Saturday, June 30, 2012

It Is Well In My Soul

The blood of Christ covers, heals, redeems, and sets free! In Christ we are made a new, complete creation. Through Christ we are able to come before the Father as holy and pure. God's grace covers us and his mercy and joy is available everyday. He loves us and designed us so specifically yet wonderfully. Not one person is the same; there is no other you! You are called by God to an adventurous future with him and to declare his gospel with the abilities he has blessed you with. Holy Spirit was given to us as a gift and promise that our Father would always be among us. He dwells within us, leads us, and whispers the very words of the Father into our spirits. We are a gift! A love gift God made to himself. He has placed desires in us to be loved, to love, and to treasure relationship. The very same desires he has within himself because we are created in his image. There is God... and then there is us; two separate beings. Both with an urge for relationship, only coming to realize the one true relationship which can bring absolute completion is to be formed between us and God! We become one; we are one. Remain in his love and he will remain in you. How beautiful this relationship is! How miraculous his unending, never failing, lavish love for us is.

Today's post is just a random thought. I sat down and got to thinking of all the wonderful things of God and this list (if you would call it that) came out.

My conclusion: To know all this I say... IT IS WELL IN MY SOUL.

2nd Corinthians 5:17
If anyone belongs to Christ, there is a new creation. The old things have gone; everything is made new!

Happy Saturday! 
❤ Ariel Christine

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