Monday, July 30, 2012


In John 4, Jesus is traveling through Samaria and comes across a Samaritan woman at a well. He asked the woman for a drink and it came as a surprise to her. Soon she comes to realize who she just had an encounter with...

Jesus said, "If only you knew the free gift of God and who it is that is asking you for water, you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water."

Jesus answered, "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give will never be thirsty. The water I give will become a spring of water gushing up inside that person, giving eternal life."

Jesus told her, "Go get your husband and come back here." The woman answered, "I have no husband." Jesus said to her, "You are right to say you have no husband. Really you have had 5 husbands, and the man you live with now is not your husband. You told the truth."

The woman comes to realize this is the Messiah she has been talking to. Many Samaritans came to believe Jesus was the Messiah because of this Samaritan woman. He even proved He was the Messiah by telling her He knew she had 5 husbands. She had been searching for a love to satisfy her and it's evident she was not finding it because she would go from man to man. But with one encounter with the living God, she was changed. She was so changed that she left that meeting, went back to town, and turned many hearts towards Christ simply by telling them of what He did for her and the life He offered. In verse 15, she even asks Jesus for the water of eternal life so that she may never be thirsty again. I remember my first real encounter with Christ. I had already been a believer, but never really just experienced His presence. I don't think I can even really explain what it was like except that God felt so close and so real. I felt him so passionately inside me. An encounter just makes it seem like all that I have believed before about God was just so much more real. This relationship is real; God is real and he wanted to encounter me. He wants to encounter all his children every single day. He is not a far-off God. What could be more proof that is God is alive than that of an encounter with him? And he doesn't even want it to be a rare thing. With every new day, God wants to speak with, walk among, and dwell within us. He is a relational God, just as we are relational people being created in his image. It's an encounter that can make a drug addict throw away the drugs in one moment. It's an encounter that can transform the porn addict because they've finally found the One who is all-sufficent. There is power in Jesus; life-chnaging power which sets God's children free. If you have never had such an encounter with God, ask him to come because he's waiting like a gentleman for your permission to enter. If you have encountered him, boy, is it monumental. Diligently seek his face with each new day asking God, "Father, what are you saying today? What do you want to reveal to me?"He will surely come; he is faithful.

John 4:23
The time is coming when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, and that time is finally here already. You see, the Father too is actively seeking such people to worship him.

Have a great week!
❤ Ariel Christine

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Ultimate Romance

Songs of Solomon 4:9-10
My sister, my bride,
    you have thrilled my heart;
you have thrilled my heart
    with one glance of your eyes,
    with one sparkle from your necklace. 
Your love is so sweet, my sister, my bride.
    Your love is better than wine, 
    and you perfume smells better than any spice.

Songs of Solomon 8:6-7b
Put me like a seal on your heart,
    Like a seal on your arm.
Love is as strong as death;
    Jealousy demanding as the grave.
Love burst into flames
    and burns like a hot fire.
Even much water cannot put out the flame of love;
    floods cannot drown love.

I read this and my heart literally melts! It is melting right now... Isn't this the kind of confession of love every girl dreams to hear out of her Prince Charming's mouth? The kind of love that makes you feel like you're the most beautiful girl in the world and your lover could have no other desire above you. That you are the most treasured, most desirable, and most valued thing to your lover. And these words which I find myself so intoxicated by come to me straight out of God's holy word; even more so, they come straight from His heart. His love is so great that it like a hot flame in which floods of water cannot even put it out. It is as strong as death. How does that make you feel hearing all this? It makes me feel like nobody or no thing could love me more than Jesus does. In fact, His jealousy is demanding as death. He wants me. And to hear this makes me want Him. I do not think that an earthy man could even attain such a vast amount of love for me. This love also makes me feel complete in Him. When it comes to relationships, I've constantly been told to look for a man in which we will compliment each other rather than compete, because we are to be complete in Christ. And so I am; I feel that completion. He sees me as beautiful, lovely, ravishing, glorious, admirable, and as His. I am His and so are you. This is how He thinks of you, beautiful bride. You have trilled His heart! He wants to be as a seal on your heart. He wants to be the apple of your eye. He wants to be your everything. Chapter 5, verse 2 states, "I sleep, but my heart is awake. I hear my lover knocking. 'Open to me, my sister, my darling, my dove, my perfect one.'" He is at your door waiting for you to let Him in. He is a gentleman and will wait and wait and wait for you; love never dying and never ending, He waits for you. Will you let Him in?

Songs of Solomon 4:7
My darling, everything about you is beautiful, and there is nothing at all wrong with you.

Know today how loved you are!
❤ Ariel Christine

Saturday, July 21, 2012


After hearing about the events taking place in the Colorado theater, my heart became heavy with sorrow. My sympathy and prayers go out to the ones hurt and their family members. Who could have known the thoughts and feelings behind that young man and his actions? Was he angry? Hurt? Looking for fame? Looking for a title to bring meaning to his life? We do no know. Except we do know there is a reason for every action. Every person longs for something. There is desire in our hearts. It could be for companionship, love, money, success, etc. We desire and want, and when that desire isn't being fulfilled we feel incomplete. Some desires which are fulfilled don't even quench the aches. Let me say today that there's an ache and longing in each and every one of us that only One can fill. Only can we be complete in Jesus and satisfied in life. Why is that? God is the author of life. The alpha and omega. He created us and the desires in us. He also created us like him, and he has a need for relationship with his children. I once heard in a book that there is a spot in God's heart that only you can fill. As a Father longs for his children, so we long for our Father cause we are made in his likeness. And when we come to know him we find our identity, purpose, and wholeness. What a worldly riches we have tried to submit our life to achieving and finding satisfaction in, cannot be compared to the one moment we come in contact with God Almighty and he tells us who he has created us to be. He even reveals what he has called us to do which are great things; things beyond our wildest dreams! A life in Christ is a life complete. Simply as that. To make it even greater: not only is it complete, but what burdens and stains you carry He will wash away in one second. Such freedom there is available to us! Is there not a greater thing to give your life to? Is there not one thing greater you could think of that would complete your life? I'd say not a thing or person in this world even holds a candle to my savior, Jesus Christ.

If you have come to know this completion and freedom in Christ, I imagine you agreeing with a hearty "amen." If not, my suggestion for you is to ask God who you are created to be and what has he created you for. Even ask him what he thinks of you! I'm positive he thinks so highly of you and ever so longs for you. He wants you to find yourself in him and feel that completion. When you find it, I promise it'll bring rest to your soul and joy into your life. A joy unlike never before. He is so very good. And such a lover. Get ready for gallons of love to be poured out on you!

Colossians 3:12a
God has chosen you and made you his holy people. He loves you.

Have a great weekend! God bless.
❤ Ariel Christine

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

You Are Making Me New

The song Beautiful Things came out on Gungor's 2010 album. I'd say this is probably a more well known song and it's one of my favorites! As I was listening to it today, a particular line stuck out to me...

You make me new, You are making me new

So what? I've always heard the song over and over; why is something sticking out to me now? The word "making" was continuously running around in my head. He is making us new. Still making, still creating, still working on us. It makes sense though. We are constantly being worked on by God within us to perfect our salvation. Philippians 2:12-13 mentions that we must keep working on our salvation with "fear and trembling because God is working in you to help you want to do and be able to do what pleases him." It even makes sense that God is still working on us because as humans we have weaknesses. We are not perfect; there is fault. Thankfully God has grace to cover that. There is grace for our mistakes and failures. Hebrews 4:15-16 reads, "For our high priest is able to understand our weaknesses. When he lived here on earth, he was tempted in every way that we are, but did not sin. Let us, then, feel very sure that we can come before God's throne where there is grace. We can receive mercy and grace to help us when we need it." One of my most favorite things to remind myself is "Where I fail, God still prevails." When we can no longer go on, he can. We are masterpieces constantly being molded and formed by Christ within. It reminds me of the verse in Jeremiah where God ask if he can mold and shape Israel like the clay in the potter's hands. We are clay in the Creators hands. Think about it: everyday He is inside us doing something new, bringing revelation to mind, conquering fear and the enemy, capturing our hearts, giving us grace, and so much more! I fall in awe of Him more and more with each new day. How thankful I am; Papa has never given up or quit me. He is constant and always the same. His grace is always available to us. Oh, how wide, deep, big, and extravagant his love is for us! He wants to be within us to make us new! To be new so we can be set free and live in complete redemption! And rest assured if you have ever turned away or fallen down, his arms are still open to you! He is always waiting because he simply loves you.

2nd Corinthians 12:9-10
But he said to me, "My grace is enough for you. When you are weak, my power is made perfect in you." So I am very happy to brag about my weaknesses, insults, hard times, sufferings, and all kinds of troubles for Christ. Because when I am weak, then I am truly strong.

Have a lovely night!
❤ Ariel Christine

Monday, July 16, 2012

Finding Rewards in Revelation

Revelation 3:11-13
I am coming soon. Continue strong in your faith so no one will take away your crown. I will make those who win the victory pillars in the temple of my God, and they will never have to leave it. I will write on them the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, that comes down out of heaven from my God. I will also write on them my new name. Everyone who has ears should listen to what the Spirit says to the churches.

In the first few books of Revelation, the Lord addresses 7 churches in Asia. With each one he mentions this: He sees the things they do (whether good, bad, or both), discusses the victory for those who are faithful or the need of repentance for those who are sinful, and each address has the phrase, "Every person who has ears should listen to what the Spirit says to the churches" stated at the closing.  For those who are faithful and obedient to Jesus, He will give them a victory. This promise of victory is repeated over and over in multiple ways through out the addresses to the churches. Chapter 2 verse 7 mentions that those who win the victory will be given the right fruit from the tree of life which is in the garden of God. In 2:17 a new name will be given to those who also win the victory. Further along in chapter 2, it is also mentioned that the Lord will give them power over the nations and an iron rod to rule with. 3:15 reads, "Those who win the victory will be dressed in white clothes like them. And I will not erase their names from the book of life, but I will say they belong to me before my Father and before his angels." And finally in the end of chapter 3 it says, "Those who win the victory will sit with me on my throne in the same way that I won the victory and sat down with my Father on his throne." Our God has such a passionate desire for us to come out victorious. The only way for that victory to happen is through Christ. Jesus says He is the way, the truth, and the life. In 2nd Timothy 2:11-12 it reads, "This teaching is true: If we died with him, we will also live with him. If we accept suffering, we will also rule with him. If we refuse to accept him, he will refuse to accept us." This victory comes from Christ alone and is available to anybody as long as they call upon the name of Jesus; to die to their old, sinful-selves and be created new in Him. Only then can one become a pillar in the temple of God, be given an iron rod to rule the nations with, and eat fruit from the tree of life! What an extravagant life that is! Life with Christ is promised to be full and completely satisfying. My life is definitely a testimony to this. The journey I have been on with Christ has been so fulfilling and rewarding; it bring wholeness into my heart. Plus, there's still more adventure to come! He is the one person in my life who I have never, ever been hurt by or will ever be. He is constant when everything else around me has become insanity. And to read His holy word hearing of the promises which one can receive if choosing to live in obedience makes me desire to strive harder at living a life pleasing to him. My hope today is for you to read this and be consumed by the thought of his extreme promises for both you and I. See, hear, and know the promises of God for those who are faithful to him. They're wildly rewarding and worth fighting the good fight of faith.

Happy Monday!
❤ Ariel Christine

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Need vs. Want

Think about this... If somebody needed your help, how would you feel? Like you're helping, giving your input, maybe a little bit of significance? What if that person really wanted you? They wanted you around, they love your help, you are a desire to them! Now how much better do you feel?? It's the same with the Lord. Without Christ, we are shameful, dirty, unknowing of our worth and value. We cannot come before the Father holy and pure without Christ. We cannot get our salvations through our own attempt. We need Jesus. We absolutely need Him. Romans 3:23-24 reads: "All have sinned and are not good enough for God's glory, and all need to be made right with God by his grace, which is a free gift. They need to be made free from sin through Jesus."And it is sweet music to His ears when we call upon His name for help.

The Lord loves when you NEED him. But what's really special is when you tell him you WANT him. He loves to know you desire him to come. It's more than a need. Our Father desires us, too! He desires us so incredibly much, and when we say "yes" to him he is well pleased to dwell within us. But the crazy part is that in all reality, God does not need us. He is all-powerful. Why were we created then? Well our God is a relational God; he craves relationship and so Adam was made and then more and more children. And when sin entered into our lives, the Father was so desperate to get us back that he sent his very own Son, Jesus, to the earth to be killed so we could be joined with God once again! God loves us so incredibly much and we are the apple of his eye; the very core desire of his heart! To desire God as much as he desires us is such a celebration to him. He does love when we need him, but he really LOVES when we want him! I think it would be that way in any relationship! We love when we are wanted by others; it causes us to feel loved! Our relationship between God and us can be reflected in our relationship with one another. The Father has shown his love to us and we can love others with that very same love. So much love floating around!

Know today that you are extremely desired by God. Let him embrace you and don't be afraid to then wrap your arms around him. Tell him he is more than a need; he is a want. That he is a must-have to you! Oh, he loves to hear you speak to him in such passion pursuit of his love.

Songs of Solomon 2:14b
Show me your face, and let me hear your voice. Your voice is sweet, and your face is lovely.

Have an incredible Thursday!
❤ Ariel Christine

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Win the Battle of Your Mind

Romans 8:31
If God is with us, no one can defeat us.
I think one of the hardest things to deal with in the Christian walk is our thought life. Everything around us affects how we choose to think, how we feel, and how we view the world. What we watch and hear also tumbles around in our minds. If you think about it... how much daily goes into your mind? What all do you take in? The mind is a very complex thing to behold, yet it was created by God and can glorify him. For me, thoughts of fear and failure constantly creep up on me. The enemy will try ruthlessly to throw those thoughts in my way. He wants me to think I can't do it, I'm not good enough, or I will just continuously fail and get nowhere.

But fear not for we have a greater power on our side. The ultimate power, in fact, that places the enemy under his feet. Through Christ we are set free of sin and the enemy no longer has his grasp on us! Romans 6:14 states, "Sin will not be your master, because you are not under law but under God's grace." We are no longer slaves to sin because Christ has set us free and we now live as redeemed children of God! So yes, were under God's grace and it drives Satan crazy. He still tries to pull us down and break us apart continuously. Whenever I feel those thoughts creep back into my mind, I immediately renounce them out loud. I proclaim, "Fear, you have no place in my life. Get out of my mind now! Failure, you have no place in my thought life. Be gone now!" There is power in our words; power that Jesus Himself has placed within us. We are vessels of His glory and power; walk in that authority He has given you! Know today that the enemy has no place in your life! And at times if you see him even anywhere close to you, rebuke Him in the name of Jesus and declare your freedom in God's kingdom! Tell your thoughts to obey Christ. The things the enemy tries to speak into your mind, you have power to tell them they, in fact, are the powerless ones! God is for us and wants us to be prosperous. Surrender your thought life to him if you ever feel the enemy is attacking it. Ask God to place his own thoughts in your head and the lovely thoughts that he thinks of you; that he may fill every open nook in your mind with thoughts of him.

2nd Corinthians 10:4-6
We fight with weapons that are different from those the world uses. Our weapons have power from God that can destroy the enemy's strong places. We destroy people's arguments and every proud thing that raises its self against the knowledge of God. We capture every thought and make it give up and obey Christ.

We are set free!
❤ Ariel Christine

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Give Your Garden Time to Grow

I am currently reading the book Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul by John & Stasi Eldredge. And let me tell you... It is rocking my world! I'm not even much of a reader, but I highly recommend it to any woman to read! It discusses how God is the very essence of beauty. Us women being created in his image, are therefore the very essence of beauty as well. Each woman has beauty within her and realizing the love affair Christ desires so desperately to have with us will unleash this beauty. It will give rest to your soul so your beauty naturally spill out rather than in a striving, not-so-pleasant manner. God is a huge romancer and just as much as us women long to be pursed, desired, and romanced, he has the same urges. Only Jesus can bring complete satisfaction to us and when we say yes to Him, he is satisfied in us as well.

I wanted to bring attention to one particular passage I read today (although there's so many I could go on and on). For those of you who have the book, it's on page 145:

"But a newly planted rose's presentation in its first year is nothing compared to its second. If properly cared for, its second year's display doesn't hold a candle to its third. Gardens need to become established; their roots need to go deeper through summer rains and winter frosts. A garden's beauty does not diminish with age; rather it takes years for it to become all that it can become."

Not only does this speak to revealing inner beauty, but I believe it can be applied to many areas of life. Things take time! The past year was my freshmen year away at leadership college. Oh boy did I love it, but I had some major heart aching moments; they were moments of failure and hardship. One of my biggest fears is failure! But reading this passage today brought such strength to my heart! The things I feel I have failed at can only get better with time and effort! This first year away was like a rose in my garden. Next month I go back to school, and I cannot wait to see this rose again! I really believe God is going to move in miraculous ways. Yesterday's post I discussed how life is just brutally hard sometimes. But with God's help we are surely able to come out victorious! I believe God can do the impossible and will answer when I ask for his help. However, it does take some effort on my end; I can't just sit around saying, "Well God can do anything so he is going to make me a pianist." If I want to be a pianist, I have to work at it and God will help! It's a joint effort just as my relationship with him is. I've made goals to go back to school with to help me achieve the things I want and I've been covering them in prayer asking God to go before me and anoint my work I've been trying ever so hard to do! And then comes faith... Oh do I ever have faith in my God that he will show up and do the impossible! Be encouraged today that your "roses" takes time to grow. You help nurture them and God will help them grow. Your life is a beautiful garden filled with roses God has given you which are constantly blossoming only to become more enchanting. In all that you do, look at it as a process which takes time, effort, and faith.

Happy Tuesday!
❤ Ariel Christine

Monday, July 9, 2012

One of "Those" Seasons...

I feel as if I am in a time of loss and vulnerability. Why? There are some edges in my life God has been highlighting which are in need of transformation. Growing isn't always easy. Change is not always fun. However, it is the perfect time to draw closer to Jesus. I know He is the only one who can completely and wholly satisfy my needs. If I am in a rough season, I will look to Him; I will yield to Him because I know He will carry me through. And yes it is always easy to say that, but even harder to do. Let's be honest with each other... Life is hard. It can be tough. I've had plenty of those moments and I'm most definitely in a season like that this very minute! Can you think of rough seasons you've been in before? We all go through them. They're the valley low moments. God wants to use those for our testimonies to glorify him. I really believe He is going to lead me somewhere new through this whole "rough patch" of a season and it's kind of exciting to think about. What new opportunities will emerge or what is God trying to reveal to me? These seasons bring about trial, but they also bring about new life. God is doing something in you through this season, so be attentive to his voice!

So what do we do in these valley low moments while waiting for a breakthrough? For one, God is doing this to get you in a place where he can do something new. There's a reason and his reasons are always good. With the place you were in before and what God wants to do in your life now cannot be done there so it's time to move! Let his spirit lead you. Ask him where he wants to take you? What do you need to get rid of so he can work through you? What must you do? Listen and watch for what he shows you about your life. He's always speaking and loves to talk with you. Also, prayer is what will hold you through. Keep communication with God. Christ will strengthen you and give peace when you ask Him. Isaiah 41:13 says, "I am the Lord your God, who holds your right hand, and I tell you 'Don't be afraid. I will help you.'" This verse got me through many oppressive moments last school year. And finally, keep your eyes fixed on Him for the end of the tunnel. One of the best things about tough seasons is when they're over and then you see the reason for them. That's the point where I say, "God you're so smart... You knew all along what was to happen... Why did i worry?" I also tend to over react and worry excessively which only makes matters more difficult. Matthew 6 always come to mind when Jesus talks about how lovely the lilies are clothed in the field, but tomorrow are thrown into the fire. He takes care of flowers, so how much more will he take care of both you and me? His children whom he loves ever so dearly. He will carry us through. He always has intentions for each season in our lives and our best interest at heart. Do not doubt the Lord. In Jeremiah 29:11, he tells us he has GOOD, PROSPEROUS plans for our lives; plans to NOT hurt us! Our Father wants the best for his children. He wants the best for me and the best for you.

If you're in a tough season, what more can be done than give it over to God? He knows exactly where it's going and how it all will turn out. Simply let go, and let God be God. You are his clay he wants to shape and mold you into an even more glorious masterpiece (because you already are one)!

Jeremiah 18:4-6
He was using his hands to make a pot from clay, but something went wrong with it. So he used the clay to make another pot the way he wanted it to be. The the Lord spoke his word to me: "Family of Israel, can't I do the same with you?" Says the Lord. You are in my hands like the clay in the potter's hands.

Happy Monday!
❤ Ariel Christine

Friday, July 6, 2012

We Are Conductors of Creation

Romans 12:6a
We have different gifts, each of which came because of the grace God gave us.

We, as humans, have been made in the image of God. It says so in his very word: Genesis 1:27, "So God created human beings in his image. In the image of God he created them. He created them male and female." There is even proof in our character; we display the characteristics of God. We can be loving, merciful, honest, pure, holy, etc. We can even be the things not of God: jealous, prideful, lustful, and so on. Being created in the image of the Creator, don't you think we also have the ability to create? What would be most obvious is man and woman procreating, but even more than that... In today's society there are so many resources available to us to create things. These things being created can be as big as a skyscraper to as small as a table display. We have creativity flowing through our bodies just as the Creator has it flowing through his. Creativity is something very valuable. Just ponder it for a moment... it's the ability to make new. Even we are a creation; a creation by God and a new creation in Christ Jesus!  Creativity can be released through architecture, computers, music, writing, expressions, dance, painting, food, fashion, really anything! What's the point of all this creativity talk? Today I want to point out the value of creativity and that it lies within each person. Do not think you are plain or uncreative. You have creativity flowing through your very bones, dear creation!! Take what you're good at, put it to work, or make it work for you. God has given each person their own talents and abilities to make them unique. And there is no other you! Nobody can think of your own original ideas! If God has given you those talents and visions, be sure to know they are from him and can be used for him! How exciting is that? He wants to use your abilities and the products which come from it as a way to glorify the kingdom of God! He can use anything and everything. You are creative. It's in you from the Father and you can conduct that creativity. Express yourself through what you love and try new ways to look at it in which you can honor God. God can be honored in some of the most unique ways with the abilities he's blessed you with! And who knows? Maybe you can shine light on something that nobody in the world has yet discovered. So let your imagination free and see where Holy Spirit leads you. The Creator has given you, the creation, the ability to orchestrate! 

Have a most wonderful weekend! And be sure to beat the heat.
❤ Ariel Christine

Monday, July 2, 2012

It's Somebody's Birthday...

Today I want to wish my mom, Candie, a happy birthday! She's the best mom ever and I would never trade her for any other mom in the world! She's pretty crazy most of the time, but makes me laugh. She's a best friend to me; I can tell her anything. She believes in me and my visions (even when they're crazy and may seem a little too big)! In my opinion, she thinks she's the Kris Kardashian of our small town. It's pretty entertaining. Thank you mom for life, being an incredible woman of God, and being there for our family. I love you! 


Family is so vital in each person's life; it plays a large part in our personalities and how we view the world. Don't waste one moment of family time or forget just how lovely it is to have those people around. Always love and be thankful. God has placed you with the family you are in. He composed your life before you were even beginning to take form. Friends come and go, but family remains forever. And if you have family trouble or pieces missing, today I pray that you will find restoration and completion in Christ Jesus. There's nobody who could love you more. 

John 8:34-36
Jesus answered, "I tell you the truth, everyone who lives in sin is a slave to sin. A slave does not stay with a family forever, but a son belongs to the family forever. So if the Son makes you free, you will be truly free."

Happy 4th of July Eve!
❤Ariel Christine

You Have Great Power Within

Christ dying on the cross covered our sins once and for all. It was all completed on the cross just as Jesus spoke in John 19, "It is finished." By accepting what Christ did on the cross for us and pursuing a relationship with Him, we are able to stand before the Father as clean, pure, and holy. We are redeemed people. Today I want to remind you that not only were your sins forgiven on the cross, but so much more happened.

Isaiah 61:1
The Lord has put his spirit in me, because the Lord has appointed me to tell the good news to the poor. He has sent me to comfort those whose hearts are broken, to tell the captives they are free, and to tell the prisoners they are released.

Matthew 10:8
Heal the sick, raise the dead to life again, heal those who have skin diseases, and force demons out of people. I give you these powers freely, so help other people freely.

Through the death of Jesus on the cross, we are enabled to heal the sick, bring the dead to life, and force out demons! As Jesus says in Matthew 10, this power has been given to us and we are to go out into the world doing these things to bring glory to the name of Christ. With Christ in your life, you hold great power. There's much more to you than what meets the human eye; be awakened today to all that Christ has enabled you to do through His death. There is power in His name, and that power is within you because you are within Christ! How incredible is that? Walk in all that God has called you to be and let the power of Christ flow through you. When you yield to Him, he will use you to do things beyond your wildest imgaination. Through this, the whole world we see that He alone is God and He is the savior of the world! And this is not all so that those who are nonbelievers are convinced He is a powerful God. Yes, He is all-powerful, but he wants to heal those who are sick and free them of their demons because He genuinely loves them. They are God's children; all created and thought of by God. When Satan was kicked out of heaven to earth, it became his new domain and he tries so ruthlessly to attack God's children everyday. You are filled with the glory of God and his power. Ask God to open your eyes to the supernatural realm around you and give you sensitivity to it. When you ask for his help to help you advance his kingdom, he is ever so pleased and willing. Christ has given you great power in His name. Use it wisely and for His glory! He has called you to be a world changer and history maker for His kingdom! So don't be afraid to pray for that friend or declare healing over your family. There is power in His name! Be bold and have faith in Jesus Christ.

Remember: you are a world changer, history maker.
❤ Ariel Christine

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Your Heart's Reflection Shows

2nd Corinthians 6:4
But in every way we show we are servants of God: in accepting many hard things, in troubles, in difficulties, and in great problems. 

2nd Corinthians 6:6-7 
We show we are servants of God by our pure lives, our understanding, our patience, and kindness, by the Holy Spirit, by true love, by speaking the truth, and by God's peace. We use our right living to defend ourselves against everything. 

Has anybody ever come to you in such a way that they see something different about you? There's something that separates you from your other co-workers or fellow peers. There's something... but what? It makes you seem peaceful, fulfilled and satisfied with your life, and makes others desire it as well. To simply put it: it's God. God in your life, over your life, covering your life. And the answer can be simply put because it is simple. A life in Christ is a life complete; He completes us when no other worldly desire or relationship can. There's something about being whole in Christ which reflects itself on the outside of our lives. Christ within us makes the light for He is the light. That light shines in and out and all around us! It overflows outside of our very being and it's such an attraction to nonbelievers that they are dying to discover what it is and how to get it! It talks about in 2nd Corinthians 6 how Christ within affects how we do everything; we have a kingdom mindset and Holy Spirit at work constantly in us. With that being, how we face conflict, handle dilemma, accept troubles, release patience and understanding mirrors Christ's character. It mirrors it for all to see! How we speak, act, and think reveals Christ within us. Even how we love one another because we have come to know the Father's love and it overflows into our own affectionate relationships. The beginnings of Matthew 15:18 says, "But what people say with their mouths comes from the way they think..." Or one of my favorite verses is Matthew 6:21, "Your heart will be where your treasure is." Be encouraged today to check your heart and your mind. Are they in the right place? Are they well with the Lord? If He is the center of your heart, I can guarantee it will flow out into your words, actions, and even your thought life. Then all will see how you are a true, set apart servant of the most high. And what a copious life it is with Him! Do not fear if you have ever messed up or maybe felt you were not exactly being the light in the way you should be. Admit it to God and ask for help; he is forgiving, understanding, and wants to see you succeed. Hebrews 4:15-16 lets us know God understands our weaknesses and Christ even faced temptation here on earth. God has grace and mercy for us in our time of need when we come before his throne and simply ask for help. Just as he has overcome the world you will overcome any problem in life with a God that nothing is impossible for him. How amazing he is! He even gave us Holy Spirit who helps here on earth as we walk through life everyday and experience the challenges it brings along. Christ did not say a life lived for him would be easy, but that it would most definitely be complete and satisfying. 

With Christ, you are spiritually rich.

2nd Cornthians 6:9-10
We are not known, but we are well known. We seem to be dying, but we continue to live. We are punished, but we are not killed. We have much sadness, but we are always rejoicing. We are poor, but we are making many people rich in faith. We have nothing, but we really have everything. 

Have a wonderful Sunday night! May God bless you on this Sabbath day with rest, rest, and more rest!
❤ Ariel Christine