Monday, July 2, 2012

You Have Great Power Within

Christ dying on the cross covered our sins once and for all. It was all completed on the cross just as Jesus spoke in John 19, "It is finished." By accepting what Christ did on the cross for us and pursuing a relationship with Him, we are able to stand before the Father as clean, pure, and holy. We are redeemed people. Today I want to remind you that not only were your sins forgiven on the cross, but so much more happened.

Isaiah 61:1
The Lord has put his spirit in me, because the Lord has appointed me to tell the good news to the poor. He has sent me to comfort those whose hearts are broken, to tell the captives they are free, and to tell the prisoners they are released.

Matthew 10:8
Heal the sick, raise the dead to life again, heal those who have skin diseases, and force demons out of people. I give you these powers freely, so help other people freely.

Through the death of Jesus on the cross, we are enabled to heal the sick, bring the dead to life, and force out demons! As Jesus says in Matthew 10, this power has been given to us and we are to go out into the world doing these things to bring glory to the name of Christ. With Christ in your life, you hold great power. There's much more to you than what meets the human eye; be awakened today to all that Christ has enabled you to do through His death. There is power in His name, and that power is within you because you are within Christ! How incredible is that? Walk in all that God has called you to be and let the power of Christ flow through you. When you yield to Him, he will use you to do things beyond your wildest imgaination. Through this, the whole world we see that He alone is God and He is the savior of the world! And this is not all so that those who are nonbelievers are convinced He is a powerful God. Yes, He is all-powerful, but he wants to heal those who are sick and free them of their demons because He genuinely loves them. They are God's children; all created and thought of by God. When Satan was kicked out of heaven to earth, it became his new domain and he tries so ruthlessly to attack God's children everyday. You are filled with the glory of God and his power. Ask God to open your eyes to the supernatural realm around you and give you sensitivity to it. When you ask for his help to help you advance his kingdom, he is ever so pleased and willing. Christ has given you great power in His name. Use it wisely and for His glory! He has called you to be a world changer and history maker for His kingdom! So don't be afraid to pray for that friend or declare healing over your family. There is power in His name! Be bold and have faith in Jesus Christ.

Remember: you are a world changer, history maker.
❤ Ariel Christine

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