Thursday, August 16, 2012

A Look at Joshua: Part 2

In my last post about Joshua, I discussed the words God had spoken to him; that he would never leave or forget Joshua. His words were so reassuring and empowering to Joshua (as well as myself!). God even spoke to be brave and strong and everywhere that Joshua would go, so he would follow. How true that still is today for every one of God's children. I just love it! But this book gets even better, and I'm no where near halfway through.

Chapter 3:7
Then the Lord said to Joshua, "Today I will begin to make you great in the opinion of all the Israelites so that people will know I am with you just as I was with Moses."

Here God makes a promise to Joshua to make him great in the eyes of the Israelites. Then God tells him instructions of how to cross the Jordan river. All Joshua has to do is listen to God's every word and trust him. The priests carry the Ark of the Lord into the river where the flow stops completely. Then the Israelites safely cross the river without so much as a drop of water touching them. In chapter 4, it mentions around 40,000 soldiers crossing the river! This happened simply because one man listened to the Lord and obeyed. Chapter 4, verse 14 then says, "That day the Lord made Joshua great in the opinion of all the Israelites. They respected Joshua all his life, just as the respected Moses." God's promise to make Joshua great among the Israelites had come to pass. And how? Because he simply obeyed. He knew God was the God of the impossible and his ways are greater. Who better for Joshua to place his trust in? I think this small snippet is so great; he simply trusted and God came through. He makes it seem so easy to trust God for the most miraculous of things. Surely if Joshua can trust God to stop a river from flowing, I can trust God with every detail of my life no matter how big or small. And the promises God has spoken to me through out my life, I believe in them so much to come to pass. The key is simply to obey. The proof is in this very story and even in past events of my life. God is so faithful! He just wants simple obedience. In my study of the Old Testament, I noticed some thing it constantly said through out: God wants obedience more than animal sacrifices. My conclusion: what seems to me like my most complex, challenging dreams... simple obedience and trust in God unlocks.

Happy weekend!
❤ Ariel Christine

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