Tuesday, November 13, 2012


November has been flying by. Everything from homework and exams to birthday parties and celebrations have filled my weeks! Basically, life has been happening! Life. That's as detailed as I can get for now. I'm so excited to soon be visiting Ohio again for Thanksgiving break and to take time away from the chaos.

Can I brag on God for a moment? I don't need to go into detail about all the wonderful things he's been up to, but simply to bring notice to the fact he has been doing wonderful things! I keep finding his goodness all around; everywhere I look and every word I hear, I can find God's goodness.

I am defiantly in a season that is on a mountain top. But being up here, I will not forget God. How could I forget him? It is by his grace that I am here. Proverbs 3:6 keeps coming to my mind, "Remember the Lord in all you do, and he will give you success."

If I succeed in anything I do, it is surely and only because of God.

If I could leave you with this one thought, it would be this...

1st Corinthians 14:33a
God is not a God of confusion, but a God of peace. 

The word "confusion" does not even apply to God. Confusion is not a part of his character or who he is. The fact of this sentence is that God is the God of peace. In the chaos, confusion, pain, hurt, etc. his peace will transcend all of that.

But why does it seem so hard to grasp at times or that peace is far off? We can be really upset by a situation and complaining to God, "Father... where are you in this??" But have we honestly asked for peace? Yes, we've complained and begged God to show his face, but that is not asking for peace. My great pastor back in Ohio once spoke on God being a motion-activated God; that he is sensitive to movement. Sometimes we need to act for God to work. Of course he loves to help his children, but we can't simply sit back and expect God to take care of everything and give us all that we want. We simply must ask.

How much a father loves his child that he would do anything for the child. If you ask for peace, God will give it to you. BECAUSE... He is the God of peace. He has it and will freely give it to those who ask. Some of my most favorite verses are found in Philippians. Chapter 4 verse 6 and 7 claim, "Do not worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks. And God's peace, which is so great we cannot understand it, will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." Ask and then the peace comes. Call upon God and then he moves.

Goodnight readers!
❤ Ariel Christine

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